Commissioned for the DISLOCATE 08 Festival of Locality and Technology, Japan, the interactive installation, audio tour and public project Are We There Yet? mapped the internal thoughts and memories of passengers above and below ground on the Yokohama subway. Stories, sounds and video excerpts were embedded on an interactive map (a hacked computer with 32 buttons, each containing one film clip created from interviews and footage they shot on the Yokohama Blue Line).
Visitors in the exhibition pushed buttons on the interactive map to see and hear stories from each station. Alternatively, visitors downloaded an audio version available in the gallery or on line and traveled the subway to hear these stories at the exact location they took place. Produced by Hibbert-Jones and Talisman.

Exhibited: Dislocate 08 International Festival of Art, Technology and Locality
ZAIM gallery, Souzoukukan9001 Gallery & public project, Yokohama Japan 2008

Materials: hacked computer, engraved plexiglass, buttons, electronics, projector

See also Are We There Yet? Video